As for VR. Nintendo will obviously not do a legit VR headset. VR is fairly niche, it would require a peripheral that probably costs as much as the system itself. What they COULD do is do one of those drop-in headsets where you just drop the Switch2 screen into the headset and it splits the screen in whatever way to give a VR effect. That's a poor man's VR. It's been done for mobile phones. So I mean this is a possibility, but I don't see Nintendo bothering with it. I doubt the headset would sell more than a few million so probably not worth the software investment that Nintendo and game makers would have to make to let their games work with in VR.
Also pretty sure for even that drop-in style VR to be decent you need a decently high res screen so screen would probably need to be 1080p and I doubt Switch 2 will have that.
I'd rather see them put effort into interesting SW ideas rather than make a mediocre attempt at VR.