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zorg1000 said:

No, they learned with 3DS/Wii U that new=/=good. The ideas behind DS & Wii weren’t just new for the sake of being new, they served an actual purpose.

With each generation, from NES to PS2, controllers and gameplay mechanics became more and more complex so if you were someone who didn’t start gaming at a young age or were a lapsed gamer than the ability to get into/back into gaming was difficult.

Touch/motion controls reduced that barrier and made gaming accessible to everyone, 3D screen and Wii U gamepad however served no practical function, they were added features for the sake of adding new features.

Like DS & Wii, Switch also makes gaming more accessible, this time by offering a unified ecosystem that allows you to play wherever, whenever, however you want.

Switch 2 should absolutely be a standard upgrade with some QoL improvements just like 3DS & Wii U should have been to DS & Wii.

They can add new features as long as they aren’t the primary focus of the console and don’t lower the appeal or jack up the price, something like HD rumble rather than 3D screen/Wii U gamepad.

And... there is nothing they could do that would be both new and good? I kind of hope there is still something new that could be done with gaming hardware. Would be kind of sad if there's not.

That’s not what I’m saying, new can be good, just don’t lose sight of what makes the console appealing by going out of your way trying to add new things.

Touch screen, motion controls & hybrid form factor succeeded by making gaming more accessible so if the new idea isn’t something that does that then it should not be a centerpiece of the console.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.