Jumpin said: I can think of a few things off the top of my head |
I'd definitely like the point and click functionality of the Wii built into the joycons. They just don't work as well. If we're talking about things things that likely won't happen, I want Streetpass back.
IcaroRibeiro said:
The Switch is not a gimmick, it's a new form of shipping hardware. It's something closer to Game Boy than closer to motion controls of the Wii. Imo, their innovation was only required when their hardware was unappealing compared to Sony. That's not the case here, no one else is releasing hybrids (not even releasing handhelds actually). Nintendo has the monopoly of the handheld market and the monopoly of Japan market. This alone can confirm 60 million plus sales regardless of what Nintendo does Sometimes a good product just need to get upgraded to keep selling. Switch is a good product. Nintendo found their Playstation. They just need to release new powerful versions every 6-7 years and high sales will be guaranteed. Switch 2 selling 100 million is less likely to happen if they include some weird gimmick to piss off an otherwise very satisfied userbase. There is no need for it. Good software pipeline and incremental upgrades should be the norm for Nintendo now for as long console game still existing PS: Sony having an audience who cares for graphics is overstated. The average Sony player buy Playstation because they simply have the best software library every generation. If you take the top 20/30 of the highest scored games every generation you will be lucky to find 4 or 5 missing the Playstation. The average console gamer don't need to think twice before buying a Playstation. |
The way I mean gimmick is just something novel to gain attention. I think the Switch definitely is gimmicky in that sense, down to the way they use that snapping sound in all the promos. It's a good gimmick though.
But even if it's a good gimmick, or selling point if you prefer, it's not going to be as exciting the second time around. I don't think upgrading the chip set every 7 years is going to work, especially with graphical upgrades getting smaller each gen.
As for Sony, the PS5 is selling at a similar rate to the PS5, and pretty much all of its games were available for PS4 until recently. Even now, there's still really only a handful of titles that are not on PS4 as well, so the library doesn't seem likely to be the reason people are upgrading. I also don't think they just love the Dual Sense... so I guess it's the graphics?
160rmf said: I know it's very unlikely to happen, it is more a wishful thinking than anything. I really would a like a way to use a gamepad controller like Wii U did. It's really not that difficult to accomplish, since it's only to keep the screen functional while in home console mode, the only difficulty here is if they're willing to take the risk and give Wii U type of games a second chance |
I would really like that too. I think there was a lot of untapped potential there. But, I don't know how much that would add to the cost, and how feasible it would be.
Slownenberg said: I think they will do SOMETHING. I just can't imagine what that'll be. VR is I guess the "obvious" thing, though since you can't have good VR just by sliding a screen into a headset I don't think there's much reason to try to do VR. In general I just want a next gen Switch, don't need any major changes, though of course if Nintendo comes up with some really cool thing I'll be excited about it.
I'd like to see more form factors as well. Or more specifically, I'd like to see them build out a Switch2 family more quickly. I'd love to see a portable-only Lite and a TV-only 'Home' come out by the system's second holiday season so that people could choose any type of system they want from the family from very early on. And then of course later on perhaps put out a premium version of all three models. Streaming built in would be nice for the streamers and makes sense with how popular streaming is. I know for the Switch you had to buy like a whole extra streaming gadget which I believe is not the case with the other systems. Could care less about TV/Cloud. It's a video game system, not a computer or multimedia box. I don't want Nintendo wasting time and money (and perhaps passing on that cost to us). I want them to keep their focus totally on gaming not on other stuff that everyone probably already has two or three other devices that already do those other things. Speech to text would be nice for typing. You don't need to type much but its a tiny bit annoying when you have to type stuff. And a huge needed upgrade is the ability to communicate with friends through the system, and speech to text would be crucial for that. Feel no need for a Voice assistant though, like what do you need that for in a video game system? |
Honest question? Why couldn't you slide a a screen into a headset? I get it won't work as well as other VR devices, but VR essentially is just showing a different image to each eye. I've heard it works reasonable well in Labo.
zorg1000 said: No, they learned with 3DS/Wii U that new=/=good. The ideas behind DS & Wii weren’t just new for the sake of being new, they served an actual purpose. |
And... there is nothing they could do that would be both new and good? I kind of hope there is still something new that could be done with gaming hardware. Would be kind of sad if there's not.