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MSX It was the dream everyone wants now. A system developed by MS Japan that set standard requirements for the machine and let companies compete on both the hardware and software. It worked with both cartridges and tape deck and was the birthplace of MGS. MSX-2 added a 3.5" disk loader yet MSX-3 never came to be.

I learned the basics of coding on the MSX, made games on it, got a keyboard attachment for it and learned to play synthesizer on it (never was much good at it though, too easy to resort to programming the thing to play the music by itself lol) and later wrote a database program for it to keep track of my VHS library. I also used it as an alarm clock with an alarm connected to the printer port and programmed my whole high school year and later university classes into it. (Different starting times most days and irregular holidays) I used it so much I eventually burned out the display chip and after more and more graphical glitches it finally gave up the ghost in the mid 90s.