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curl-6 said:
SvennoJ said:

It was bound to happen. I ran into a shrine for which the prerequisites to get to it are scattered over the world. Not succumbing to fast travel, I'll walk to the opposite corner of the world. TotK's quest design is pretty bad, BotW was much better. Let's see how long it takes to walk from Gerudo canyon to the NE corner of Akala :/

Dude, fast travel is there for exactly this reason. If you're going to refuse to play the game properly, you're only making it hard on yourself.

It really seems like you WANT to hate the game and are making your playthrough as artificially frustrating as possible just so you can complain about it.

If you're not enjoying the game, just stop playing. Or just stop placing such restrictions on yourself.

I think he has a point. Personally I also dislike fast travel in games and generally avoid using them, but that wasn't something I gave much thought to while playing TotK because yeah that would be torture without fast travel. I also used fast travel a lot in my first playthrough of BotW, the convenience is nice of course, but I played BotW many times over and pretty much never used fast travel after that first playthrough, it actually made the game more fun. TotK simply isn't fun without fast travel, I think that's a fair criticism to make.