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Pemalite said:
JEMC said:

Ubisoft gives PC gamers another reason to pirate its games
A decade or so ago, Ubisoft was constantly complaining about PC gamers pirating its titles. The French company was so frustrated with pirates that a number of iconic “Ubisoft vs PC pirates” GIFs flooded the market. And last week, Ubi gave PC gamers another big reason to simply pirate its games.
Twitter’s AntiDRM has shared the following email. According to it, Ubisoft will suspend your account if it’s inactive for some time, and then permanently close it after 30 days.
According to Ubi, accounts that are inactive for less than 4 years are safe, and won’t receive such an email. Moreover, if someone does receive such an email, they’ll be able to cancel its closure by clicking on a link.
>> I mean, it sucks, no doubt about it, but unless you're in jail it shouldn't be a problem to log into UPlay every once in a while to prevent this. Also, this move may be because some countries have more strict data protection laws that force companies to erase personal data after a certain time, tho this theory should also affect other launchers/accounts.

This won't end well.

Will be interesting to see how Valve handles it with Ubisoft games on Steam... Wont end well if Ubisoft games end up unplayable on Steam.

haha wow, I mean, I now I stopped bothering to buy Ubisoft titles, but hey, if they really want me to delete my account and uninstall their client and just stop owning anything from their end then fine (but it won't stop me vilifying them as scum though). 

They already "updated" Creed Black Flag on Steam and said "update" has been giving people black screens when booting up the game or worse off performance. I feel like ubisoft is deliberately hindering their games on Steam, even since they came back (lack of Steam cheevos and the like). 

Ubisoft tbh, hasn't learned a damn thing in their invisible fight with the open platform, and even after their declining sales on PC since leaving Steam and then coming back, they still don't care to learn the right notes (like how they've come back, but their latest releases are still only on EGS/Ucan'tPlay).

I honestly hope Ubisoft sinks. I have never in my life wanted a company to sink as hard as Ubisoft, simply because they have been at this stupid petty little war for years, while treating their staff like shit, their customers vilified, and their CEO pissing his pants over some super ancient family adversary rivalry (which should have been left in the middle ages for gods sake, but hey, it's the French, they gotta have those stupid family rivalries somehow). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"