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zeldaring said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

90s, the best decade of everything :P

90S was the best in terms of nostalgia, and being blown away as a kid. in terms of gaming though it's much better now. Nintendo was really the only one that had games that can take 25-40 hours to complete, everything else of quality was short unless you like JRPG which i don't. something like elden ring or botw would give you more playtime then 80% of 16 bit games lol.

You had Frontier Elite 2, explore the entire galaxy, seamless landing onto any planet, in 1993. Civilization, Dune 2, Sim City, Baldur's gate, Might and Magic, Flight Simulator, Ultima Online, Everquest, Populous, Master of Orion, Transport Tycoon, tons of games you can play for longer than BotW.

BotW still gives you more play time than 90% of other games!