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Last night I stumbled onto the start of the Construct Factory quest while exploring the sky. It was a cool sequence, very much felt like Zelda for a change :) So I'm suddenly back in the Depths, my home (now with medal for lighting up all of the Depths). I already thoroughly explored the construct factory when I found it in the Depths, however then all the doors gave me access denied.

Now I can get inside the proper way instead of forcing my way in backwards. I gathered one of the 4 items to check if it all really works now then had to quit (already past 2am). Looking forward to finish that quest tonight! It seems to be for the 5th sage and can indeed be done before getting the other 4 first :) Good dungeon overall, (already seen the other parts before) and since it's mostly inside, no cheesing it by simply flying in and out.

One little setback for my mild OCD. If there is a North, South and East well close together, I'm gonna look for a West well. Argh there isn't any :p I'm sitting on 26 light blessings now, can't be bothered to turn them in, 11 hearts is already so many lol. But a stone talus can still kill me with one hit. They are trivial to kill though, but a lucky shot when the camera spazzed out got me. Easy kill 'strategy':

Run up underneath, Ascend to the top of the Stone Talus, Jump off the back and activate bullet time, pepper the weak point with arrows, done.