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Some of these shrine quests are a bit unreasonable lol. I got to one where someone claims ownership of the crystal that needs moving. Oh I'm just here to save the world don't mind me, it's your crystal you say? The first guy that did this could be paid off (150 rupees I think), this guy wants me to fetch him the legendary great white stallion, wtf. Back track to the stable first to get directions, then to where he's supposed to be. I found him but it seemed to be glitched. I have 3 stamina wheels which should be plenty to tame it, but he just kept throwing me back off. I fed him apples, no difference. Tried different patterns of soothing, holding the button, no luck.

I was about to give up so googled it, says it only needs 2 stamina rings. Back to spamming the L button (soothe) and finally after well over a dozen attempts it worked. Very poor that there is zero feedback whether you're on the right track or why it's not working. Now I've got to find the shrine crystal again with this horse that won't walk straight. I need to bond with him first before trading for the crystal doh.

I've been to a bunch of stables now but don't seem to run into anymore musicians for the troupe, to unlock the fairy buds. I guess they are on the west side of the map (been exploring east side so far) Oh and I ran into the monster squad or something. Rag tag militia trying to clear the land of another pirate ship (third time now). Of course they were all silver Lizalfos and Moblins who knocked the entire army (half a dozen NPCs) out pretty quickly so I climbed into the crows nest and let all the silver mobs duke it out against each other with muddle buds. Then a simple sneak strike for the remaining one. (Eight fold blade with improved sneak strike plus silver boss horn works very well).

The captain of the bunch congratulated the crew for a job well done. Err they're all dead... Oh nvm, they were just sleeping, monsters only kill Link in this world! Dunno why everyone is so worried... Oh wait they are not, all have more important requests than saving the world :p Open world 'threats' get sillier and sillier the more filler there is!

A fun cave system in the area led me to a rubber head piece for the fetish collection. It came in handy as there was a Thunder Gleeock in the area which I decided to take on after find a 5x savage Lynel bow earlier (in a chest in a cave). Jeez these things are hyper and the shock prevention, what does it do actually? He still easily kills me and I still drop my bow when struck by lightning. (Had 2x shock resistance, Barbarian legs and attack food for 2x attack) The thing goes ballistic under half health so if you want to kill these, do it fast. Rapid firing bomb arrows with a 5x bow in bullet time was the way to get him. He goes up high though, rocket shield only got me halfway up to him, but in range enough for the bullet time bomb arrows to hit. It didn't drop anything special. (I guess resources for fairy fountain upgrades I won't have access to until completing the game basically)

Oh and I found a bunch of Dondons and a table full of gems. Can't have the gems of course, can't steal em either. (She never goes to sleep, is immune to puff shrooms, can't be reasoned with, and can see right through any kind of ultra-hand shenanigans) So I tried feeding the Dendons luminous stones as per her instructions. I fed them all multiple stones, waited all night and half the day, nothing. Just looked it up now, apparently you have to leave the area for at least 10 minutes (and only feed them one stone). Dunno if they will be there now as a blood moon interfered again (right in the middle of the Gleeock fight, several times as I died a few times and had to start over, thus blood moon kept happening during the fight doh!)

It's a weird game. Very polished on one side, very rough on the other. Yet even though a lot of parts are very rough, nothing lasts all that long and there is variation everywhere. Most is repetitive but with enough variation it's like an MMORPG, every day a different story you make yourself.