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Whilst it will be for the Inquiry Group to determine the precise process to be followed, and this will depend on the progress of any further evidence gathering, my current expectation is that the Inquiry Group may be able to reach a provisional view in the week beginning 7 August 2023. Third parties would then have a period of 7 days to make representations

So basically, Mr Prevett (CMA) is saying that he believes the CMA could reach a provisional view on the deal on the week of August 7th. Provisional view is essentially them saying whether they're approving the deal or not. However it won't be the final verdict, they'll still have to do 7 days of market research and their final report. So the actual approval will come later.

Have a feeling CMA's: "We'll sort this before August 29th" will be August 28th, Lmao.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 July 2023