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Machiavellian said:
Imaginedvl said:

Very simple :) Their duty is to make more money to the shareholders. Simple as that, that's the prime reason of existence of the board; drive the stock up, not down. Breaking up is going to make shareholders LOSE a lot of money :D

And by a lot, I mean a lot, I'm telling you that the whole board and Bobby would be in BIG trouble if they would do that. 

Actually from the research I did, its not that ABK could be sued that is the problem, its more along what Randy stated in that ABK would need to have a vote on staying or leaving the merger.  Since all of ABK stock has voting rights, its not like the company can quit the deal without going though that whole process.

True, they would need a vote :) I was telling you what would happen if they don't and simply walk away :D

And if they go for a vote, 98% will vote to extend it.