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Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is in talks about an extension of its acquisition contract with video game maker Activision Blizzard, which is set to expire on Tuesday, so the parties can overcome the remaining regulatory hurdles to their $69 billion deal, a person familiar with the matter said on Monday.

The expiration of the contract would not automatically lead to the collapse of the deal, as it simply affords either company the right to walk away from the transaction.

Nonetheless, Microsoft has been seeking the contract extension to ensure that Activision is not wooed by another potential acquirer or has a change of heart, the source said.

The companies will continue to negotiate the extension if they do not have an agreement by the end of Tuesday, according to the source, who requested anonymity because the matter is confidential.

Microsoft in talks to extend deal contract with Activision -source (

You know there is a strong chance that ABK could just walk away with cash and sell to another big player who has enough capital like Apple or Google.  Those 2 companies would have absolutly no issue getting the deal done and ABK still gets paid like king.  I am saying if I was ABK, I walk away with my 3 billion dollar pay day and behind the scenes look to get another big player to purchase the company.

The other option is for ABK to raise the price for purchase as well as the price for termination.  How far can ABK push MS and how thirsty is MS to get ABK.

There is no chance of that. Because... Of the shareholders. They voted (more than 98%) for the deal and the board would get sued for doing that and it will be a suicide. 

Even if they have another offer (let's say from Apple; and this is IF they would have an offer); they would get sued to hell, the reason is that shareholders are expecting to cash up very soon and this would lead to even more delay, another investigation, uncertainties, etc... They simply cannot walk away with those 3B (gives nothing to the shareholders, bring back the stock around 60$ probably) even if they would want to negotiate with another player for a better price at this point.

The deal is happening, Activision is not walking away from it; I can tell you that. The ramifications of doing something like that would be so bad for them.