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This is kind of tough.

1st generation is just OK to me. never been able to get into the first three games as they don't have as strong focus on their characters and stories.

2nd gen is great but VI is significantly better than the other two games from that gen.

3rd gen is Fantastic with VII and IX I consider excellent games. However... there is VIII which I did not enjoy.

4th Is the gen that introduced me to Final Fantasy with X and XII being the ones I played first. I enjoyed both greatly. I never played XI though so I can't really give my opinion on it. X-2 I've just avoided because I don't like the idea of sequels for Final Fantasy.

I don't even consider the other gens worth mentioning. But if I really had to choose I'd go with 4th gen just because I think the overall gameplay is better than the others. 3rd gen is a close second.

Last edited by Eric2048 - on 13 July 2023