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I will say for sure FF7-9 era. I started with this era and FF7 was my first game in the series I played. In a sense it had to be as Final Fantasy didn't arrive into the UK until that entry.

3 superb games, defining the series as a whole. Pinnacle if anything. I played 6 when it released on PS1 in like 2002, emulator later. I'd say 4-6 next. Then 10-12 but only because I have to omit 11 as it was an MMO. 1-3 I cannot judge properly, I own 1-2 PS1 collection but never played 3, infact 3 only released for the first time in the UK as the remake on DS, which I didn't own at the time.

13 era was just 13 really, didn't like it so didn't buy it's sequels, again have to omit 14 as it's mmo, even if it's great now, still an mmo. Last place is modern era, I'm lumping this all in together as these games just don't have the same impact anymore, in my view the idea of evolving changing gameplay has taken the series from being the pinnacle of turn based gameplay with superb stories to generic action games with RPG elements and okay stories. But then it's also 1 game per gen not 3.

9 is I think the best FF game even if 7 is my favourite.

Hmm, pie.