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What MS and AB are doing is a typical example of the corporate economy in action, in which patterns of economic activity are organized by the hands of bosses and managers, rather than one in which it emerges unplanned by the market's invisible hand. So questionable in essence, but also let's consider another point.

SIE has an operating income of about 10% of its revenues in a good year. Microsoft's business as a whole has operating incomes in the order of a whopping 40% of its revenue. Not because of Windows, as it used to be, but enterprise services that in essence function a lot like Gamepass.

One must be riding high in corporate hopium if they think Microsoft is spending massively in this business to make things more affordable for consumers in the long term...

But Sony buys exclu---shut up. That doesn't exculpate what MS is doing, neither it is being done by SIE anywhere on the same scale. That is just whataboutism and/or tu quoque, a very basic fallacy that children learn at a very early age.