there was a very similar thread late last year so I'll post here one of my answers which is relevant here:
I believe this deal is good for
- Microsoft/Xbox
- Activision Blizzard
- Workers at Activision Blizzard
- Union advocate
- Gamepass
- Gamapass Users
- Switch and future next Nintendo system owner
- Steam User
- Anyone who wants the Acti-Blizz management/work culture to change
- Anyone who hopes for a possibility of Activision Blizzard studios to even consider being creative again
- PlayStation Plus user (Only if Sony accepts the deal and benefits from CoD on PlayStation Plus day 1 as Ms offered)
It is neutral for
- Any third party as Take Two made clear
- Anyone who doesn't subscribe/wants to subscribe to GamePass (as all the games will still be available for purchase)
It is bad for:
- Sony*
But even then it is only bad for their ability to sell ps5+ with limited competition from the Xbox series+ system and their ability to grow their margin profits unchallenged.
Even if the deal goes through it won't:
- Make Uncharted, God of War, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, and Last of Us ... fans disappear
- inhibit the ability for Sony to create and release new games for their system and/or PC
- prevent Sony from making other acquisitions and they've made quite a few this year and will continue to do so by their statement
- prevent Sony from bolstering its offering (PlayStation + wise as well as a standard sale)
- Remove CoD from their offering
- Make Xbox anywhere near the point of a monopoly
Also, the impact on Sony is already mitigated by:
- The fact they are the one who benefits from a dominant position as of now.
- The fact that many Acti-Blizz projects are already announced for Ps5 and MS will respect all of those (ex: Diablo 4)
- The impact of this won't be felt for many years and won't come all at once