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Wyrdness said:
NintendoPie said:

in all of your posts you seem to continue to ignore the investor aspect of the equation. yes, as soundwave and i and a few others have both said, the switch is still doing quite well for itself. however, that does not mean it doesn't need to be phased out sooner rather than later.

investors don't look at numbers and go "oh, you're still doing so well for a system in its 7th year!" they would instead think "this is your third year of lowering sales, what're you going to do about it?" the answer to that question is, a successor. that's why generations are a thing. this generation won't be much different as nintendo does not seem to be going the route of releasing a switch pro, instead scrapping it for the OLED and most likely carrying that R&D over to the switch 2.

also, i agree early 2025 is not that far off. in fact, i originally argued that it'd be released in october/holiday of 2024 or Q1 2025. both of these dates basically still lead to the same conclusion, that a successor is needed sooner rather than later. at that point, we're basically fighting semantics if you think holiday 2024 is so much different than Q1 2025 that it doesn't play into what people have been saying.

Yet non of you have specified why any investor would suggest a quicker release dat you're only saying investors are a factor and the the irony is I know from when I used to work in finance that they'd do the opposite of what a few of you are saying as the sales are even beating out the PS5 in some weeks it's not as good a point as you think it is as those sales along with the online subs are raking in a ton of money which non of them will suggest to cut off. Fact is the current market situation allows them to wait.

if you worked in finance then i'd expect you to understand how capitalism works. capitalism does not like anything but growth, end of story. if you're not growing, you're dying. yes, nintendo is still making tons of money, but sales have been down YoY and that's basically all that matters. (including SW.)

you also keep bringing up this online subscription money but, how would it be getting cut off by releasing a new console? nintendo has never shut off online immediately after releasing a new console and they will, of course, carry this sub model over to the next gen. they will continue to rake in that money in either scenario.

in the end, the proof will be in the pudding when they release the switch 2 next holiday or Q1 2025. though, i'm guessing you'll feel correct anyway as our timelines overlap. what is the difference to you in Q1 2025 vs. holiday 2024? if you were making this argument to say they'll release switch 2 holiday 2025 or 2026, then i'd get why we are arguing more but, you're not.