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I tried getting back out of the Depths by Death mountain. That proved to be impossible. The tunnel isn't straight and it's far too long from the bottom of the Depths to the top of Death Mountain. Flying a controlled platform (steering stick) doesn't work since you can't look up to avoid the obstacles in the tunnel, plus even with batteries added I doubt my 11.6 battery power is enough. I got a bit into the tunnel but look to run out before I get halfway up Death mountain, 3 charges left while still in the Depths section. However the bigger problem is any snag with a wall and you're trapped, never made it to an empty battery.

So I made a lava platform right under the middle to try rocket + fans balloon to go straight up. Plus the balloon sorta auto corrects when the top hits a sloped ceiling. But even with rockets and fans added to speed it up, the balloon disappears halfway up the tunnel and the remaining platform quickly veers off course. So I hover biked over to the chasm in Southern Akala and flew out there. Also a narrow tunnel but I managed to keep the 4 fans plus steering stick in the middle away from the walls. It used just over 10 batteries to get to the surface, I had 1 left to clear the chasm!

Completed a few shrines, then I got distracted by Tarry town. World's in danger but little Mattison wants attention. Dunno if that's part of the Tarry Town quest. (It's not, Mattison's independence quest is what I ran into) I just looked the Tarrey town quest up and will give it a hard pass for now. I have no 3K rupees to even start it, I have about a hundred lol. Plus it seems to involve going everywhere. I'm on my own schedule. But will get Mattison on her way before moving on. Couple more shrines in Akala and around the Zora domain, then to the water temple. Or get distracted again :/