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Completed Fist: Forged in Shadow Torch (on gamepass).


- Game map has markers with a small font even on my above average sized TV it felt small but not an issue if you know what the symbols mean.
- Being a metroidvania it can be annoying because it has in plenty of occassions different paths to go trough I really recommend to just follow the quest marker because some upgrades will be needed that you get at the end of the game.

-Fast travel points are relatively limited but again not so much of an issue at the end of the game because you will be fast but an small map on the game screen would have been welcome.


-Love the atmosphere and graphics; at moments it feels the game looks to good and will make it harder for me to enjoy other metroid vania games the total packages feels so well presented.

- Fun to complete 100%; achievement wise it is relatively easy even things that I am very bad at like parry 5 times in a row or complete the Dujo classes were fine.


When you play an Indie metroidvania game for 20ish hours, complete everything and still feel like playing more you have succeeded as a game dev anyway a big 9/10 from me.