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I know this doesn't really answer the deeper philosophical question you are trying to get an answer too, but I use both physical and digital across all of my media, and I mainly just chase wherever the best deals are. There are a few exceptions to this:

1. All of my Music is digital and I almost never buy music. it is just much easier to have music on a device like my phone then have a whole shelf of Vinyls, though I will admit I like the album art.
2. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I only buy physical books. E-readers and tablets give me major headaches, where as reading a physical book is a pleasant experience all around.
3. The rare few times I buy movies it is physical only, and only 4k UHD Blu-Ray. The difference in sound quality and image consistency vs. streaming is huge.

As for video games, I just go where the deals are. Although sometimes I will buy a physical game if the box art really grabs me