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The fire temple itself was kinda disappointing. Another clash between trying to fit linear level design in a game with too much freedom. The paths are cleverly laid out although a bit confusing. Yet why bother to figure out the sequence the devs had intended when you can simply fly, climb, para glide around the place :/

I couldn't figure out how the devs had planned for the last 2 locks to be reached, probably not by first falling off the temple, climbing back on, using a rocket shield to get back up and climb around the side to get into the next opening. One of the paths I did backwards for sure as the split in the railroad didn't work. (was a join) I took 2 carts, lifted one onto the other track and hopped over. One of the paths required a rocket boost cart, however it veered off course and I had to para glide and climb back up a pillar to save myself. All unnecessary since you can just fly up and para glide to each target. The end dungeon I stumbled into was at least all underground preventing short cuts.

The boss was a bit annoying with the camera. It's hard to look up especially while aiming Yonobo, so it was mostly miss in phase 2. At least the boss doesn't pose much of a threat, just takes a while to wear it down. Playing this sequence made me miss Fire mountain in Wind Waker, so much better.

Then, gasp, the game teleported me back to Goron city, how rude. I'm glad I finished my exploration around the fire temple area first, but ugh, hate the discontinuity. And of course whole bunch of side quests popped up. The ultimate fun killer for me lol. I left it there, didn't feel like playing more at that moment. Tonight I'll go go back to opening up Hyrule, top right area, ignore the needy NPCs. More shrines for more stamina to sprint longer.