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I don't get how people can play in handheld mode. I did today at the car dealership while getting the car serviced. It works sure, looks fine, but hurts to play. It gave me a tension headache, sore neck, stiff shoulders. The couches there were plenty comfortable, but still got to keep the thing at the right angle to avoid screen glare. But I was back exploring in the Depths, the region around the fire temple now with fire suit equipped. So couldn't stop playing either :)

It was fully charged when I took it with me, lasted 2.5 hours before it turned off into sleep mode. I thought the battery lasted longer but it's a launch Switch, over 6 years old, I guess the battery is losing efficiency. Good thing anyway, time to get up and walk around to relieve my sore shoulders. And get sticker shock at the new car prices lol. Anyway some nice bonus time to play, service lasted 3 hours, oil, brakes, transmission, fuel lines, air filters, tires, alignment, the works. Still in great condition (12 years old), can forget about new car prices for another year at least.

A couple more things to explore around the Fire temple before heading inside, feels good to be back in the Depths. I find it a very relaxing place to explore since you never run into 'needy people' down there and can follow your own planned path. Up top there are all these NPCs that want things, I have that enough in real life lol. Oh and Yonobo is good help in a fight against silver Moblins, bowl em over, hit em when they're down :)