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Valdney said:
Wyrdness said:

Not true as Deku Tree you can't access with out talking to the right npcs, same with Jabu Jabu, Forrest Temple and Spirit Temple.

Yeah Not all of them let in without talking to someone, but the game does allow you to go into some of them without doing so. For the spirt temple though, I know you have to follow the ghost  with the lens of truth, but can't you just go to the temple if you actually know your way there?

Anyway. I just want to be able to find my dungeons on my own and get in whenever I want!

Spirit Temple still requires speaking to Naibooru as Kid Link otherwise you can't enter, dungeons in general don't lend themselves well to freedom in general as ultimately they tie into the story this is why BOTW and TOTK keep them to a minimum and moves events to mainly Hyrule itself only dungeon you can always go to with out any limitation is the final one. Another problem with dungeons has always been the lock and key concept they follow so any particular ability/character/item required in them renders discovering them by yourself pointless as you'll be forced to go elsewhere anyway, TOTK structures itself in a way that has you more likely run into events that lead you to discover the dungeons with what is required to reduce the issue of players running into dungeons beforehand.

The dungeons in TOTK aren't really the main draw to them in themselves they're actually more of a cherry on top it's actually the overall tasks surrounding them that is the whole cake for example the Gerudo Desert has a sequence of navigating a sand storm while resolving a particular problem and surviving the climate which is constantly switching between two opposites while the Rito has a Sky section to deal with. These sequences are like dungeons in themselves which ironic as they occur out in the open world, I actually prefer it as demonstrates that in future dungeons may not be required for such experiences to drive events.