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drkohler said:
EpicRandy said:

Also, I'm sure Ukraine may let Nato/close ally monitor planned usage to make sure civilians are out of range.

That is not the problem. Clusterfucks are aimed at military positions. The problem is that nonexploding pieces will just lie around after the bombs went off (partially). The when the farmers move in to plow their fields, they run into the unexploded pieces, and kids find "interesting toys" left around, maybe years after the war.

Yeah this sucks and is the real issue. Pretty much already an unavoidable issue though, cluster munitions will join the tons of other unexploded ordnances in the same area. Hopefully we can help Ukraine to clean up as much as possible post-war and Ukraine will monitor and close off the areas which the cluster munitions along with mines and other UXOs are, for a while at least.

But they'll never get them all, we're still finding and accidentally tripping off WW1/WW2 devices today.

Some brave farmers ain't waiting though - ‘We Couldn’t Wait’: Ukrainian Farmers Improvise to Clear Their Land of Mines | Ukraine | The Guardian

I don't know the question to this but I wonder if anti-mine tanks work on cluster munitions as well?

The little help out of this is as I said and as you said, it will be used mostly on trenches, on static lines, once Ukraine breaks through those static lines, they shouldn't have to use them as much, but breaking through the massively long trench lines and defensive positions along with trying to break through minefields is proving to be difficult without certain weaponry.

Majority will likely be used on the defensive lines, far away from cities, which aren't moving, so the main danger is farmers afterwards.