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"The bottom line is this: we recognize that cluster munitions create a risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordinance. This is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could. But there is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions and take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians."

Joe Biden approved sending cluster munitions to Ukraine after a "unanimous" recommendation from his national security team, Sullivan says. He says it was a "difficult" decision and that the president ultimately made the decision "in consultation with allies and partners and in consultation with members of Congress".

Now, Mr. Biden's aides think they have little choice. Ukraine, which has deployed cluster munitions of its own in the war, is burning through the available supply of conventional artillery shells, and it will take time to ramp up production.

‘We Need Russia’s Complete Defeat’: Ukrainian Forces Upbeat On The Frontline | Ukraine | The Guardian