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Kakadu18 said:

You mean Eldin

Yes, my ability to remember names is polar opposite to my ability to remember spatial maps :/ Gerudo is the desert indeed, Goron city is in the vulcano region. I can remember the whole map and layout of the sky/bird people in detail but can't remember what they were called nor their city lol.

I didn't make it into the fire temple yet, but am on track. I got distracted first by some minor side quests (tasks) which all seem to range from I can't reach my friend to I can't get back out fix my cart or fetch something. Funny that the solution to one of the separated Korok pairs is strapping a rocket to one. Ninty wants you to abuse them lol.

I found a cherry tree which indeed does highlight cave entrances so I could find the cave that eventually leads to the shrine in the NW area of the Eldin region. Fun underground Temple of Doom style mine cart area, hitting switches while racing along to go the right way. It did seem the cave system was build with the intention for you to use fast travel to get back out. Getting in and finding the Shrine was the easy part, navigating the tunnels in reverse, then launching back up through the whole in the ceiling with a rocket shield was the real task.

The path up the mountain with the mine cart was awesome, took my time to play with the physics engine, bringing all available mine carts around up to the top in a 7 cart train, choo choo.

It took a few attempts to get the right balance in power, up and down.

Final configuration

Stuff resets rather quickly. When it bumped me back down at the last obstacle the previous 'station' had already reset so the front got stuck on the barricade and the carts disappeared back to the start positions. Hence 3 different engine configurations before I got the whole thing to the top. The front jumped off the tracks, forgot to brake haha.

Ooh more mine carts here, how long a train can you make rounding them all up haha. Might mess with that after the temple. The sequence right after this part is amazing and I left it just before jumping back into the Depths. Playing Newton's cradle with mine carts up a steep slop, fun stuff.