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My precition (which is mostly pure speculation) assuming the console came out that soon or in 2025 (though I think it could be even later down the line than that):

New 3D Mario - I actually think it'll be its own thing separate from Odyssey. I'm thinking maybe a Galaxy-esque game but with far bigger planets and more depth
New open-world and/or 2D Zelda
Prime 4 (to launch cross-platform with the tail end of Switch like Breath of the Wild w/ Wii U and Switch
F-Zero - yes I think Sega and/or Nintendo is finally gonna make it
Mario Kart 9 - or Wave Race as a gap-filler while Nintendo takes more time to finish Kart.
Luigi's Mansion 4


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden