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I'm stuck. I was exploring beneath Hyrule castle and now I'm so far down I have no clue how to get back out (without fast travel). I ran into the Demon King's Army which is total BS. Muddle buds don't work, puff shrooms only stuns them, doesn't prevent all the others from still throwing rocks. There are far too many anyway and I just looked it up, it's part of the end fight lol. Open world failure. I'll stop trying since I guess it will just trigger the end boss, plus the dive down and part unskippable cut scene is annoying as hell.

This whole underground part of Hyrule castle is nothing but an ugly mess. You can hardly see anything, very low contrast with grey fog layer on top and the map is completely useless. It's the worst designed area by far. Knowing this is how the game ends I don't really feel like playing anymore :/

Oh well, climb back out, do the temples and check out the sky islands, there are still good bits to be had. I just don't think I'll ever finish the game, don't want to go back here again. Ugly badly designed mess. Come on Nintendo, you can do better. It's not connected either, can't fly back out from the Demon King's Lair, the ledge is gone and you simply hit the ceiling high up.

A Zonaite sword plus beam emitter is fun though, not very effective but light saber!

Hmm, it seems the point where you enter the imprisoning chamber is gone as well. I've lit the whole place up with giant bright blooms and looked over every part of the walls and ceiling, the ledge you enter on is gone. I guess it makes sense since it's an imprisoning chamber :/ Only option now is to revert to an old auto save. Fast travel ruined Zelda sigh. Lazy crutch.

Update: You can back track out of the imprisoning chamber, the exit is just impossible to see. My oldest auto save was already in the imprisoning chamber so that didn't work. I had to use fast travel to the light root as I could not spot the exit no matter what. However I went back in to the imprisoning chamber, luckily the mobs were still gone. There I took a screenshot of the exact location on the map (which shows nothing relevant) to then reload an auto save from before using fast travel. I flew back up with the 4 fan + stick craft (thanks for that suggestion!) which is still very tricky since you can't look straight up, can't see where you are going.

I got back up to the top, landed on one of the spikes then compared my position with the screenshot, lined up the camera in the right direction and shot bright blooms that way until I could finally spot the entrance. In this case, graphics do matter, mean everything. Anyway from there still a struggle to get back out but with rocket shields and the flying thing I made it back to the bottom of the chasm. Using the light root as a rest stop to recharge the battery I made it out the top, well almost. First I thought the game locked up but it was a 25 second loading pause getting back to the top, to be greeted by a thunderstorm and then the blood moon cut scene interruption screwed up my flight landing me in the moat where I drowned, send back to the light root. I'll get out again but wow worst dungeon design ever. And everything reset down there so never to be visited again.

Back to the hopefully fun stuff. Good navigation challenge, terrible map and color palette design.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 03 July 2023