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Thanks a lot for the support guys, I've been feeling off for a while now on this whole Mod status and it largely has nothing to do with this thread as to why I've felt down on it but I know I've became a bit blunt lately though and lacking a bit of Mod professionalism, Lol. Alongside the annoyance that this role often brings (cause it's mostly about punishing users and then being moaned at for punishing users).

I've questioned my ability as a Moderator lately and if I'm doing a good enough job or active enough for the role, for various reasons having difficulty getting back into the feel of things, my main contribution as a Mod the past year has largely been watching over this thread, Lol, I've been reported a few times for my actions in here, Lol. But it's been good to vent a little and it's also nice to see those comments.

I consider myself an overall positive person, of course there's a lot of negativity in the world lately, but I wouldn't say Russia/Ukraine stuff is the cause of my declining interest in the Mod role, I'm supporting Ukraine to the very end! But I leave this thread and it's also, console wars, fanboys, people complaining about such minor things, I'm so short on patience on that level of pettiness and pointless drama, that I am a bit blunt with my words, Lol.

I want to keep my role to continue watching over this thread no doubt though.

It's also nice to see and a helpful reminder of how many genuinely awesome users this website has. It reminds me of the community that I represent as a Moderator and while there's a few minor annoyances, there's a large part who are genuinely great people, as an example, everyone in this thread who supports Ukraine. Anyway back to that, Lol. Sorry for going slightly off-topic but things have been fairly quiet on the frontlines lately.