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Runa216 said:
A203D said:

But these are different games. They're trying for different things. You can have two awesome things, you know. 

I also absolutely LOVE the VII Remake style, where you can play as all the characters and mix up the action and menu-based combat. I love that and think it's the best way to adapt turn based to an action game. But I got drawn into XVI more. I think VII Remake is closer to tradition but XVI is more FUN. 

Yeah, the lack of a proper party is a bit disappointing. But again, that's just me pining for tradition, not evaluating the game based on its own merits. XVI is fun. The character interactions and writing are arguably the best the series has ever been. And as I said, most of my nitpicks are just 'I also liked what this other FF game did, and wish it was here, too.) 

This is sincerely the most fun and most engaged I've been in years. It's so good I completely forgot that I Was about to play Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster. I am so lost in the world and combat and story of XVI that I FORGOT I was about to play the best version of my favourite game of all time. That's how good XVI is. 

The thing is, taking the comparasion aside from FF7 Remake, FF16 I feel has a major issue with the gameplay. The issue is that theres 6 Eikon's with 5 abilities each, and you can only equip 2 moves of the 3 Eikons you have equipped. About half of all your moves are unusuable at any one time.

Then you have the issue with the movesets themselves. One the most fun Eikon's to use is Titan. You have a great move called Titan block, but then you have a similar move which can be assigned to a face button called Raging Fists. Its a better version of Titan block. Why didn't they combine the two moves together and have less moves, so you can assign more abilities to the face buttons.

It was so dissapointing for me to finally get Titan's moves, but have to unequip another Eikon to use Titan. I don't understand why they created so many awesome moves and gameplay mechanics for people to end up not bothering with half of them, because a lot of players will turn to fail safe moves like Heatwave when they are blocking projectiles. Theres no reason to bother with anything less capable than that.

I agree the interactions between the characters is fantastic. The relationship between Clive and Jill is 10/10, I don't want to spoil anything, but for me it was written and execuited really well. I even thought the way they handled the gay kiss was done very well and very tasteful. It dosen't feel forced.

At the same time, I still feel FF7 Remake slighty edged it out in that department. The relationship with Cloud and Barret starts off frosty and ends up with a bit of a bromance. Theres good banter between the characters. You don't have as much banter in FF16, its more serious conversations, which is fine, but for me I loved the banter of Remake.