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Contrary to what some have said, I do think there are perfect games. Or, at least, perfect in what they do. Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Demon's Crest, Gears of War 2 and some Monster Hunter titles, among others, are perfect for me: games in which you don't miss anything, in which all the content you could want is already there.

With The Legend of Zelda, maybe by its "expansive" nature, and because the high number of possibilities its gameplay create, I always find myself missing something. As I already said, it is my favourite series of videogames, but somehow it always manages to leave me expecting more. For example, I really missed somethign like a Colosseum where you could fight the thoughest regular enemies (Wolfos, Lizalfos, Stalfos...) wherever you wanted in OoT and Majora's Mask. Its combat system was so good that I really missed facing that kind of awesome foes whenever I wanted, but there wasn't a place to do so  =( . In Skyward Sword I really missed the chance of having loftwing races versus other loftwing riders. A loftwing championship based in Skyloft, with several, diferent sky circuits would have been awesome. It also lacked a good shooting gallery/minigame. With BotW and TotK, as I said, having all those water mases and being unable to explore its depths, and having so many ruined villageds and towns (specially Hyrule Castle Town) and being unable to rebuild and let the people settle and repopulate them, even if Zelda hinted to the reconstruction of the kingdom at the end of BotW, was a letdown for me. And we had so may nice actual horse races in several titles of the series, but you are never allowed to race against others in BotW and TotK. Even The Witcher had several races and circuits for that  =(

So... all this is just to say that, even if I love both games and if they're already humongous, can't help but think on how much is still possible and remains unexplored in this new Hyrule. I really hope the next Zelda (or the DLC) goes in these directions, or at least doesn't include things that open the door to gameplay possibilities that remain undeveloped, specially when many previuos titles (for example, when talking about diving and underwater exploration) have already walked that way =P

Last edited by Zarkho - on 02 July 2023