Now FTC referring to Stadia. Google, very large and successful technology company, spent a lot of money, thought they did it right, just didn't have the right content.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
Wilkinson: it was Google's decision not to put their money into Stadia.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
Judge Corley says we're still talking about console market, will later get to subscription and console market
Judge Corley appears unprepared to ignore those actual and proposed agreements.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
FTC now talking about who bears the burden. Says defendant has to explain why. But this is a Sec. 13(b) proceeding and it's just about government's prima facie (first look) case.
FTC said they never heard from a 3rd party that signed the deals and said it was "magnificent".
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
Judge Corley reminds the FTC of the fact that Nvidia's Eisler said the deal saved them costs, enabled them to better compete with Microsoft. Isn't that procompetitive?
Microsoft lawyer (not Wilkinson this time) can point to some merger cases where such contracts are considered. One a Commission (FTC) case, another an ALJ (also FTC) case. FTC now says that was different because chemical company offered selling a factor.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
MSFT: here it's not just that they're prepared to arbitrate an agreement (like in AT&T Time Warner) but here the agreements have been signed.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
FTC now tries to dinstinguish those cases.
I believe that was Mr. Sunshine's first active intervention in this case.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
He now explains that this is a vertical case, the harm that's alleged is there would be no access to CoD, at core it's about access to CoD, therefore different type of remedy
Wilkinson points out discovery is closed. We could have the whole case decided by the federal court.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023
Judge Corley joking about it because she apparently doesn't want to hold a full trial here about the same stuff
Wilkinson pointing to testimony by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: that's the world in which we live because Sony is the market leader and has exclusives.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 29, 2023