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trunkswd said:

Xbox shipment data! Though hard to get it to be 100% accurate, plus it is total Xbox shipments so at points it is 2 Xbox consoles combined. But with the Xbox One discontinued at the end of 2020 that means 2021 and 2022 are all Xbox Series X|S. If you were to do a straight line from the middle of the 10M figure you would see Xbox Series X|S shipment figures for 2021 and 2022 were a little above 10M each, plus whatever it shipped in 2020. 2020 includes the first 2 months of the Xbox Series X|S plus whatever the Xbox One shipped that year.

Xbox Series X|S 2021+2022 shipments are likely around ~21M give or take a bit, plus another likely 3M or just above that for 2020 brings Xbox Series X|S shipments to around ~24M at the end of 2022. As always there is some room to be a bit off and shipped doesn't equal sell-through. 

@Welfare has done some pixel counting and come up with some numbers a bit lower than what I did. 

Based on known Switch shipment figures then doing % Xbox is compared to that he got:

  • 2020: ~7.3M (Includes Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S)
  • 2021: Xbox ~9.7M (Just Xbox Series X|S)
  • 2022: Xbox ~10.1M (Just Xbox Series X|S)

Based on 1 pixel = 80K he came up with:

  • 2020: 7.0M
  • 2021: 9.8M
  • 2022: 10.1M

Welfare also pointed out 2022 could be estimated as it has the 2022 Switch figure above 2019, which didn't happen. It is possible this graph was done before 2022 data was all out. If 2022 is not just estimates we are talking ~19.8M for the Xbox Series X|S in 2021 and 2022 combined. Then add whatever it shipped in 2020. 

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.