Ryan now says that when the deal was announced in mid January 2022, he was still hopeful that they could come to some agreement with Xbox regarding CoD.
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) June 27, 2023
Now, why did then NOT negotiate the proposal Microsoft made later? This doesn't make sense.
"We believe that MS intends to use COD to disadvantage PS in terms of the availability or the manner in which the game is made available on PS consoles, and to drive PS gamers to the Xbox platforms, specifically Game Pass."
— Michael Acton (@MActon93) June 27, 2023
"It’s v important that the version of COD made available to PS gamers is equivalent to the version that’s made available to Xbox, whether it be in terms of release date, game quality, frequency of bugs, and there are other such vectors."
— Michael Acton (@MActon93) June 27, 2023