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I really hope to hear at least something about this game at E3. What Akuma said could very well be the truth, unfortunately. There hasn't been word of this game in about a year from what I can gather. However, I'd be remiss not to note that Quantic Dream isn't exactly a AAA studio, so when they want to keep something a secret, it's relatively easy because the press isn't exactly banging down their door. So, I'm optimistic. Also, if I remember correctly, Sony is behind this project(in a manner of speaking), as Quantic Dream had Sony's help to get that tech demo out for E3 06.
Wiki has a page on it with a link to an IGN interview last year and a game poster with actors names on it. It's subtitled The Oragami Killer, sounds interesting.
Now, if I wasn't so lazy, I'd look up those actor's homepages and see what they're blogging about/working on. But I am. haha