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@Jumpin So all of the trailers were bad and they should've just done a four minute montage instead but Super Mario RPG, which had a more than 2 and half minutes segment should have been shown longer. This is clearly your bias speaking here, since it seems like Super Mario RPG is like the only game from the direct you were interested in. So they should have shown more of that one and everything else should have gotten just a few seconds for itself, barely enough for the title and release date/window to be shown and nothing else.

Even Pikmin 4, which you should be aware, regardless of wether you are excited for it or care about it at all, needs as much attention as it can get for it's gameplay showcase to help the franchise grow.

Might as well just make a list in a tweet or whatever.

This direct had much better reception than most others and in general the directs, even when most people didn't like one, are simply an extremely powerful marketing tool. A four minute montage would not work anywhere close to as well.

So unless you are some kind of marketing expert, your "advice" in this thread so far has been nonsensical at best and if actually applied by Nintendo it would have been damaging and would have been poor marketing.

Edit: At least 4 out of your 5 points in the OP apply in this case anyways. 

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 26 June 2023