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I found the entrance to the Fire Temple last night, after painstakingly mapping the NE corner of the Depths. It's all too hot there, but I managed to activate the light roots at the edges of the lava field with save/continue runs. Spint, save on a clear spot with half a heart left, continue, sprint to the next clear spot :/ I think I burned Link to death over 50 times last night mapping the NE lol. I just got close enough to the entrance of the Fire temple to trigger it's location on the map, then straight back to 'safety'.

There are 5 more light roots I spotted that are in the middle of the heat zone. I'll leave those for when I get some fire protection. It's shame it doesn't work like cold zones where you can hold up a burning stick to survive. I tried holding up swords with ice keese wings, no effect despite it clearly showing a cold cloud animation when swinging the sword. It seems all the ingredients for heat resistance or only to be found up top.

Anyway I had lot of extra time to play recently so jumped up to about 70% Depths completion (including the 5 mapped but not reached light roots on the lava field). SE corner is left but have to make my way back down first. I left it at King Gleeok. That looks like it needs a lot of prep, not 3 hearts and crappy weapons lol. Once one of those beams touches me I'm dead and I don't have any springs to easily get airborne. Will need to go up top to get those. I guess I could carry them from a build platform, but doubt it will do much good with the lack of any other equipment. (Also how far can you take items from a build platform? Guess I'm gonna test it tonight lol)

It's very obvious now it's the same map as above, NE part is too recognizable.

At least it still feels different enough with water as walls. Yet basically the walls are already drawn in on the unexplored map of Hyrule. Look a layer up and the layout is printed there... The spiral (NE) was a lot more fun to fight into down in the Depths though, no shortcut. The islands are not connected so will have to find a chasm down from Hyrule.

The most fun was fighting down into the (or a) underground fortress, causing a huge battle at the bottom with a couple muddle buds :) Fighting a Stalnox in its lair after blasting a way in was great as well. It looks like there is a way out / up from its lair, kinda mean to have that as entrance and land right on top of the waiting beast lol. But that's a lot of Zelda nowadays, feels borderline trollish at points... I mean, the game could have the decency to hold the random spawns at bay when already engaged in a fight. Maybe this high random spawn rate is just in the Depths, but it does get kinda boring. Enough so I resort to a simple quick save load to get rid of them when I'm trying to focused on finding the next way to go. (Can't save load in a fight since that resets all that has dropped as well. You can, but any loot not picked up yet is permanently gone)

No persistence has its advantages too I guess. Especially for backtracking and accidentally triggering a camp too soon. Faster way to reset agro than running out of range. If a game gives you melons, turn it into lemonade! Save load continue to explore, backtrack without having to avoid bosses, get rid of random spawns, and reset enemies back to their starting spot. (Save only takes on a safe spot though, nothing easy about using it to explore in the heat, 5 second sprints at a time)

Why am I resorting to skipping fights? I already have over 6,000 Zonaite, 130+ light blooms, 600+ arrows yet weapons and bows are hard to keep. So I rather preserve those instead of getting more of what I don't need more of :) 30% or maybe 35% to go, I wonder if I'll get out of the Depths with over 10K Zonaite and Poes lol.