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curl-6 said:
BasilZero said:


Switch has become my favorite Nintendo home console system since the SNES.

For me as well.

I'm not sure any system will ever truly dethrone the ol' Super Nintendo as it's lineup of stone cold classics is insane, but between its phenomenal first party catalog and suprisingly strong collection of third party contributions, the Switch has risen through the ranks to become my #2 top system of all time, beating not only any Nintendo device sans SNES, but every Xbox and Playstation I've owned as well.

Subjectively, I'd rank Switch dead-last for home consoles. NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii-U, Wii, Switch... that would be my ranking. But that's only because it just doesn't do it for me like their other consoles did. Objective, though, I'd put it third. NES should always be first because that console and those IPS (IPs that we're still playing today) were created out of thin air. If you're talented (and Nintendo always has been), it's easy to make something great, greater. But it's never easy making something great out of nothing (talented or not), and that's what the NES did. It basically invented the wheel. SNES just perfected it. And that's why I would rank Switch third, because if the NES invented it, and the SNES perfected it, then they have those two spots locked down. Switch comes in next because, compared to their other home consoles, it's the least flawed. N64 had a tiny library and limits due to carts, Gamecube had a restricted library and limits do to mini-discs, Wii was grossly underpowered, focused too heavily on motion-controls and died too soon, Wii-U... well, I loved Wii-U but yeah... Wii-U. So really, the Switch is third by default, because it managed to avoid all of the above. Finally, Nintendo got it right!

Having said all that, I wish the new Mario game would have been called SMB 4. I don't know why they won't do it. I've only been waiting for that since 1990 lol.