Some Russian channels are spreading info about the alleged intention of the Russian MoD to detain Wagner's Prigozhin.
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) June 23, 2023
Channel Goryachie Tochki posts a screenshot of the "conversation" between two soldiers from Rostov. By their words, the command is preparing for a force move to…
Some Russian channels are spreading info about the alleged intention of the Russian MoD to detain Wagner's Prigozhin.
Channel Goryachie Tochki posts a screenshot of the "conversation" between two soldiers from Rostov. By their words, the command is preparing for a force move to arrest Wagnerites for their refusal to sign contracts with the MoD - a requirement that needs to be fulfilled before 1 July to "legalise" the PMC. The channel suggests those who resist the arrest will be shot.
In this regard, Prigozhin's emotional interview from today could be a way for him to deal the most damage.
However, aside from this information from several channels, there's currently no indication that any raid against Wagner is actually going to take place.