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SkillUp gave a pretty scathing review for FF16. I'm not a cutscene heavy gamer personally and he said the game is like 75% cutscenes and that he wasn't exaggerating.

I'm pretty sure he is, but he counters it by mentioning how much of a huge FF14 player he is, and while that game is pretty cutscene heavy, there was always a massive game on the other side of those cutscenes which is not the case for FF16 since it's not an MMO.

Whoever is playing the game, if you could please let me know if it's true just how cutscene heavy FF16 is because that was one of my biggest gripes with FF7R was how cutscene heavy the game was.

And apparently FF16 has so little in terms of RPG elements that it makes Horizon Zero Dawn look like Baldur's Gate? that was pretty astonishing to see across the board how weak the RPG elements to the game are.

It won't turn me off the game completely as it still looks like a fun game to play, and as a huge GoT fan, I'm really interested in the story, but was curious if the game is actually as cutscene heavy as I'm hearing.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind