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The North East part of the map is proving almost impossible to explore, it's too hot everywhere and no cooling items to be found in the depths. It's a big maze as well, so I'm following the walls, skirting the edge of the 'too hot' zone, using all the the bloom seeds I have been using up trying to find a light root that's actually reachable, not in the death heat zone. It's fun but slow going and without auto map kinda hard to keep track of where the walls are. Exploring in the dark.

The random attacks can be dialed down though. It's starting to bring flashbacks of FF10 where you can't walk 5 steps before getting attacked again. Frogs, moblins, lizalfos, bats, blobs, sometimes they all spawn right after each other while busy attacking a camp lol.

This area has Hinox walking around, they are actually quite easy to take down. But the weapon durability continues to be an issue and the deciding factor whether to engage with boss battles. Bows break faster than I can use arrows down here (over 450 in inventory while using the bow a lot, just from picking them up) I usually resort to throwing puff shrooms and light blooms instead of using fragile bows. My arms don't break :)

Things might be getting harder as my favorite desperate strength weapons don't seem to drop in the area I'm in now. That double dmg bonus kept the balance against all the silver moblins/lizalfos. I'm glad I went south and west first, this north east corner is using up a lot of resources I farmed there.