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Starmistkarmic said:
Hey Squilliam
The second game is Mirror's Edge. I guess the only way to describe it would be first-person-parkour. EA makes it and it looks really interesting.
As for Heavy Rain, it's going to be made by Quantic Dream. They also made Indigo Prophecy(Farrenheit). It'll probably be done along those same lines as far as interactivity, but with some new innovations(I would assume.) The vid you saw was from 05(or 06, can't remember) so imagine where they're at today! I loved Indigo Prophecy, so I'm way excited about this game. Along with the ICO project, this is my most anticipated title based on the strength of Quantic Dream's previous efforts.


 I loved Fahrenheit! Ok, my interest in this game just went up another 100points. I hope they've made enough progress so that we can see a release sometime early next year.

If they can pull off that feel in a game, its definately game of the year material!
