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gtotheunit91 said:

Sony backed gamers lawsuit with the "trust us bro"

Yup. Big fat nothingburger.

According to the troll Gamers Lawsuit, which is redacted and based on their interpretation of the email, an email which the judge has already seen but rejected their case already even with that email, an email which they've been moaning about for months and yet the CMA/FTC who are both against the deal haven't used this email in their arguments, nor has the EC or SAMR when outright dismissing Console SLCs.

The "Gamers Lawsuit" found the smoking gun but the FTC, CMA, EC and SAMR didn't? Give me a break, Lol.

Either they're twisting an email to fit their troll lawsuit narrative in being a nuisance to Microsoft (cause they're obviously chasing after a settlement from Microsoft to piss off) or somehow the FTC/CMA both missed it (Lmao). This email which again, the judge has seen already and doesn't give a shit about it as well.

We don't know what it says and since it's redacted, the Gamers Lawsuit can't even quote any of it without breaking the rules so they can only provide their interpretation. The other scenario if the email is even true, which I doubt it, but if it is, the FTC/CMA don't care about a random executives thoughts who doesn't even have the power to do this cause he isn't in the Board nor is he even in Xbox's top leadership, nor does he manage Zenimax, nor will he manage Activision-Blizzard, his only role is managing XGS and thus the email means shit because Matt doesn't have any power whatsoever to push this.

The judge has to decide whether the deal CAN significantly harm Sony and cause a monopoly, not the baseless wishes of a random executive.

The more likely scenario is it being the Gamers Lawsuit, they've massively twisted something said in an email to fit their narrative, in the same way that if Sony said in an email they were aiming for 70% market share, I could say that Sony is attempting to put Xbox out of business. Reminder that the Gamers Lawsuit have already lost, they're in appeal mode, this is just an argument to keep the appeal going.

In addition, anyone who thinks businesses wouldn't be happy if another competitor died is a bit naïve, all those Sony timed exclusive moneyhats are designed specifically to hurt Xbox, there was even rumours at the start of this generation that Sony was attempting Starfield exclusivity alongside numerous other major exclusives to kill Xbox before they can even get off the ground but Xbox fights back and everyone loses their mind, Lmao.

This so called "email" isn't new, it has been talked about for months already.

And as Idas puts it.

It is the gamer lawyers twisting some email into their own messaging for a hail Mary appeal effort, I bet it's only Matt Booty saying "we can increase our market share versus Sony" or something else harmless.

This is basically the Gamers version of.

If it didn't happen to Minecraft, it won't happen to CoD. Take CoD away from PlayStation and they can watch their $69bn acquisition suddenly be worth a huge amount less all whilst not gaining any significant marketshare from PlayStation based on numerous polls on the matter, losing a significant amount of profits for Call of Duty and making it no longer commercially viable at the level of development it's on, bold strategy.

Xbox will do as Sony claims CoD does for them, Sony claims CoD's revenue allows them to invest in 1st Party, that is what Xbox will use it for too.

These guys are a joke and nobody should take their "interpretation" of an email at face value.