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This show along with the Ubi one finally got me interested enough to pull the trigger on a Series X. Between my One X and mid-level gaming PC I was pretty much covered for awhile, but it seems we're finally reaching the point where interesting (non-XB One) Series X games are coming down the pipeline, or at least games that would run far smoother on Series X. PC would probably cover most games for another year or so but I much prefer that platform for RTS/sim/tower defense/management.

Starfield looks excellent - the level of depth is impressive and the gameplay looks rewarding and dynamic. Took a hiatus with Overwatch but I think I'm ready to dive into OW2 with what seems like a greater emphasis on PvE missions now. Avowed looks epic as well, and Clockwork Revolution was a surprise hit (like the retro-future and steampunk themes). Payday 3 should be a fun online multiplayer action/shooter. 

Then on the Ubi side there's SW and AC, which both look awesome. I'm kinda done with Star Wars as a whole but I trust Ubi to make a solid open-world SW game. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden