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Ha, that's why I'm compartimentalizing my experience by sticking to the depths for now. Just thinking about all the other stuff to do is overwhelming, so I'll explore the Depths first, then move onto the next game inside this ridiculously large game. It is indeed looking like TotK will keep me busy until 2024...

Today I lured a Frost Stalnox to a full camp of silver Moblins, at least 6 of them. Puffshrooms, muddle buds, a lot of running back and forth to get them all to meet up (and forget about me) and watch the battle. Silver Moblins suck, Stalnox sucks as well. It's like watching a drunken bar fight in slow motion lol. Finally after re-muddle budding the lot 2 dozen times the Stalnox came out on top with barely any damage. The half dozen silver Moblins managed to take less than 10% of the Stalnox's health bar.

I stunned the Stalnox after, bomb to remove his ice shield, then tried to hit it with my best weapons. No observable effect lol. How many hp do those things have, ridiculous. Got to bring two bosses together or maybe I can get the Lynel to fight a boss. He wasn't far from one, gonna be tricky to make that work with how fast Lynels move and can one shot kill me. But once the idea is in my head....

Anyway I reloaded after the Stalnox vs Silver Moblins experiment, got my weapons and resources back, left the Stalnox in peace and took out the Silver Moblin camp in a much more efficient way. (Couple muddle buds, then puff shrooms sneak attack with desperate strength bonus). I guess I can use my vast resources of Zonaite to build the mother of all bombs but that's against my resources vs reward policy. Plus I still have no idea how much Zonaite I'll need, for what :)