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-Adonis- said:

I will wait the PC version because I'm still going to do FFXV and VII Remake and others games on PC. And I will offer my PS5 to my nephew since he wants to have one for his birthday (18 years old)

But if you have a PS5, don't miss this game. I have no doubt that Metacritic's score will be FANTASTIC. I bought a PS5, did my part lol.

Knowing Squeenix, the PC port will be:

a) heavier than Forspoken (think a 6800 for 1080p 60 fps);

b) inexplicably not load some textures unless you have a 16 GB GPU;

c) have a bad FSR 1.0 anti-aliasing tacked in that you can't turn off until the six-month patch, if at all.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.