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coolbeans said:
VersusEvil said:

Xbox community in shambles over Fables
Allegedly “uglyâ€Â character (an opinion I do not share) is actually tragic lol. The incels losing their absolute minds in the TA thread is incredible with quotes like “ I wonder if the character's name is Patâ€Â and “ I said the person is too ulgy to look at for many hours of play. 1 out of 10â€Â ..

I mean... she does have a little Female Grug look going on.  But what really sealed the deal for me was what we could've had.  

Why the hell wouldn't you just facially recreate this smokeshow?  

This is the point I was trying to allude to before. It seems like they almost intentionally warped her looks to make her exaggeratedly unattractive, when in reality the actress looks pefectly fine.

If the trailer had started with her character looking like she does on the left, maybe even a bit more plain and innocent as you'd expect for the young starting MC, and then gradually showed her looks being warped over time through actions-- daily fist fights to mess up her face, eating poorly to ruin her teeth, drinking too much alcohol etc.etc. --then I'd say "Ok, this is Fable. Your actions directly affect your character's growth over time, reflecting your personal experience and choices." Instead, the trailer came off more like "This is our character, this is how heroes look in our world, we've chosen to mold this franchise based on our interests now, not yours."

I'm being hyperbollic so that you can understand the perception of people who are more vocally unhappy. Personally I still think there's been far too little shown to make any real judgement, but I worry that just as people are too quick to criticise the game, just as many people are too quick to pre-emptively make excuses for what could be a bad situation in the making.