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Mummelmann said:

It's easily the best controller I ever owned, not counting K+M combo of course. The size, shape, button layout, trigger feel and response, and the simple look and finish are 100% brilliance. The weight is also perfect; not too light and not too heavy. Xbox controllers have only gotten worse since Xbox 360, which had amazing controllers (the Nintendo Pro reminds me a lot of these in shape and heft). PS controllers have been mostly okay, but nothing more, the DS4 was a huge letdown, with the annoying touchpad and the useless lights that ate battery time, the DS3 was way too heavy and too small for my hands. I've yet to buy a PS5, so I have no opinion on the controller, but I've heard mostly good things.

Oddly enough, the worst of the bunch is Nintendo though, their main controllers for three consoles in a row have been absolutely horrible for me. Not to mention the insane pricing (I remember when Wii-mote + Nunchuck set you back around 130$ here) and technical issues with them. But, the Pro controller makes up for all of it. I hope it'll be fully compatible with their next console as well! I tried making mine work on Windows 11, but gave up and am now using a standard Xbox One controller instead.

True, The standard controllers that come with the Switch are the most ergonomically unfriendly things since the Move controllers. And also with technical issues. The WiiU gamepad didn't feel too bad to hold, but developed stick drift as well ugh. (Actually no, Fast Racing Neo physically hurt to play on the gamepad, cramping my hands after a single race) The Wiimote plus Nunchuck will forever be defined in my mind by "Communal crotch flaying" And yep that's exactly what happens when playing that lol.

If I was even more cynical, I would say Nintendo does it on purpose to sell actual controllers on the side... (Instead of a home console offering of the Switch with pro controller included)

The Dualsense is ok, definitely better than the DS4. And I still enjoy symmetrical sticks more for 3rd person games where you use both sticks all the time. The PSVR2 controllers are much nicer though. I wish you could use them for flat games as well, however they lack a D-pad so would be difficult to use as a straight swap.