Russian Telegram channels are saying that a Russian unit was struck by HIMARS this morning on the Kreminna front with ~100 KIA and ~100 WIA. They were reportedly waiting near the front for a speech from a commander for hours.
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) June 14, 2023
“Near Kremenna a tragic incident took place in one of the divisions mustered there for an offensive. People stood in a crowd for two hours in one place and waited for the divisional commander to give his motivational speech,” reported Rybar, a war blog with close links to the Russian military.
The crowd was hit by “Ukrainian Himars and artillery” before the general showed up, Rybar reported.
If confirmed, that would make it the worst single casualty incident suffered by Russian forces since a Himars strike on a school being used as a barracks near Donetsk on New Year’s Eve.
Himars Strike Kills Dozens of Russian Soldiers Waiting For a Speech on the Front Line
Gathering hundreds of troops, waiting for a speech, within range of HIMARS.
What could go wrong.