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shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, I'm honestly more bothered by the Avowed art style change than Fable. I don't really mind a game like Fable looking less cartoony, it's not like they are going for full photo-realism or something, it's just that the character models are less exaggerated in terms of their proportions, which is perfectly fine with me. And they definitely nailed the tone of the original games in terms of humor, I'm really not sure why I'm seeing so many people saying that the tone is off.

The Avowed art change hurts a bit more as I was expecting them to try and make the actual game looked like that short clip of pre-rendered simulated gameplay at the end of the reveal trailer, especially after I heard that they had moved to Unreal 5. It doesn't really look bad, it just doesn't look great either. 

I'm not bothered by the Avowed art style change, although it's hard to even claim that since all we had prior to Sunday was a CGI trailer, which means practically nothing as to how the game will look. 

But it does very much look like Pillars of Eternity in first-person. PoE had very vibrant colors and Avowed seems to be owning that. In an interview on Sunday, Feargus said that Avowed did start out as Obsidian's take on Skyrim, but realized that's not where Obsidian's strengths lie. So that may have been part of the rumored reboot and why the game doesn't look like what it did from that initial CGI trailer.

But also, the game isn't releasing at least within the next 6 months. So it could be another year of development or nearly a year and a half. I think Avowed will still look very good at release as graphical polish is usually one of the final steps of development.